Phone: 847-970-4820
The USML Library is open to the public from 9:00am to 4:30pm daily. All current USML students, faculty, and staff have access to the library according to its regular schedule, If you have any questions about our hours, services, or policies, please contact our general librarian number at (847)970-4820.
Access to Resources
The library’s electronic resources and services are available to all USML enrolled students and faculty from on and off-campus. Select resources are also available to USML alumni. Interlibrary loan services through other college/university libraries in Illinois. Library staff are on site to provide support as needed. For research assistance or any other questions, you are welcome to contact us (Library Staff Page).
ACTS / I-Share Libraries
Members of the Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS) and all I-Share libraries have access to our collections through I-Share.
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